Boston vs Bullies

Resource Details

What is Bullying?

It is important for kids to recognize bullying so they can help stop it.

Bullying is different from conflicts, fights, or disagreements. Bullying is physical or emotional abuse that has three defining characteristics:

It is on purpose
It happens over and over again
It is an abuse of power

What is Bullying?

An excerpt from our 40-minute video. featuring all star athletes from Boston’s professional sports teams, sharing their stories and providing kids with ways to stand strong against bullying.



Inflicting physical or emotional harm is never acceptable. But it’s not bullying unless it meets
three criteria: It’s on purpose, it happens over and over again, and it’s an abuse of power.

Physical Bullying

  • Pushing
  • Punching
  • Beating someone up

Verbal Bullying

  • Teasing
  • Name calling
  • Threatening

Relational Bullying

  • Excluding
  • Ignoring
  • Spreading rumors
  • Getting others to turn against someone


  • Sending or posting hurtful, embarrassing, or threatening text or images using electronic technology

Related Materials

A poster designed to help kids talk about the definition and characteristics of Bullying.

An overview of the BvB Educational Program with special emphasis on what parents can do to identify and prevent bullying behavior.

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