Boston vs Bullies

Resource Details

The Bully

Why Kids Bully

They may:

  • Feel that they need to bully someone to get what they want
  • Have problems at home or in school and decide to take it out on others
  • Feel pressure to bully others if their friends are doing it

  • Think that bullying will make them more popular

Kids Who Bully

An excerpt from our 40-minute, video featuring all star athletes from Boston’s professional sports teams, sharing their stories and providing kids with ways to stand strong against bullying.



Kids who are doing the bullying can learn how to use their power to help rather than hurt.

Kids who bully are inflicting tremendous damage on the kids that they are bullying. They make the kids they bully feel anxious, fearful, sad, and depressed.


They might not know it, but they are hurting themselves, too.

Did you know…

  • Kids who bully become much less popular with their peers
  • Kids who bully are more likely to have poor grades, drop out of school, or use drugs
  • Kids who bully are 4 times more likely to be convicted of at least one crime by the age of 24
  • Kids who bully have higher rates of depression and suicide when they grow up

If you are doing the bullying, we have one final word for you:


If you are being a bully, how can you make it right?

  • Apologize to the kids you have bullied – saying sorry goes a long way
  • Focus on treating people differently
  • Talk with an adult and ask for help about better ways to gain respect and treat others

STdescriptionP BULLYING

Related Materials

This worksheet helps kids think of ways they can be powerful, and how they can use their power to help or to hurt.

A personal player card that kids can use in conjunction with the “Team Power” activity on page 16 of the Facilitator’s Guide.

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