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VideosElementary, Middle SchoolThe TargetThe TargetIf you are getting bullied, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It happens to more kids than you think. (8 minutes)
The Target
This video includes strategies on how to stand strong when you are being bullied.
Activity SheetsElementary, Middle SchoolThe BullyTeam Power Player CardIt’s hard to bully someone if you get to know them better. This activity uses personal player card (similar to a baseball card) that kids can list their strengths and interests. Use in conjunction with the activity on page 16 of the Facilitator’s Guide and on page 8 of Including Kids With Disabilities In Bullying Presentation.
Classroom SuppliesElementary, Middle SchoolWhat Is BullyingIs It Bullying?This chart identifies the 4 different kinds of bullying. Kids write or draw examples of bullying then decide which form of bullying it is: Verbal, Physical, Relational or Cyber. Also available as a downloadable PDF.
Is It Bullying?
A poster designed to help kids talk about the definition and characteristics of Bullying.