Boston vs Bullies Academy for Internet Champions is a computer game that helps kids build the skills they need to interact safely, responsibly, and respectfully online.
*All Boston vs. Bullies resources are free of charge
Choose Your Play from Boston vs. Bullies is a series of short video clips to help kids model appropriate responses to bullying. The videos can be found on the Boston vs. Bullies YouTube channel.
The 40-minute video features all star athletes from Boston’s professional sports teams sharing their stories and providing kids with ways to stand strong against bullying. Includes strategies to stop bullying whether you’re the bully, the target or the bystander.
Available on USB or Online download
This video provides kids with strategies for preventing and stopping cyberbullying. Online harassment becomes cyberbullying when it’s intentional, repeated, and an abuse of power. Kids are increasingly using this form of bullying to harass, exclude, and torment others. (9 minute 30 seconds)